Getting Started

This guide takes you through setting up bloop and making your first search in under 5 minutes. bloop is a desktop app and cloud platform for fast private code search. bloop works on Mac, Windows and Linux and can be easily built from source.


To use the desktop version, download bloop from the releases section on our GitHub page. We currently support the following architectures:

  • Mac (Apple Silicon)
  • Mac (Intel)
  • Windows (x86)
  • Linux

First steps

bloop's onboarding pages will be shown on first launch. It takes 5 easy steps to get started:

1. Sign up

Share your name and email so we can keep you in the loop about the latest bloop developments. We also hate spam, and you have our pinky promise that we'll keep all emails interesting 🤙

Note: GitHub OAuth login doesn't support granular repo or organisation level access. The token has a wide scope, but only repos you explicitly choose will be synced, and your account credentials are always stored locally.

2. Sync your repos

Choose which repos to sync from your GitHub account, local harddrive or any public GitHub repo using its link.

This may take some time for the largest of repos, we're working hard to introduce local GPU indexing which will improve the indexing speed.

3. Make a search

Select the repo you'd like to query in the home screen, your repo will open in a new tab, then use the chat window in the bottom right hand corner to ask questions in natural language.

Once bloop has finished gathering all the information needed to answer your query, you'll see the response start to stream. To ask a follow up question, click on the chat window again and enter your question into the text input.